Have you ever had terrible service at a restaurant? If so, you were probably frustrated at the slow service, poor food or watching a waiter chat while you sat hungry. Perhaps you thought to yourself, “Does this guy still think he deserves a tip?” or “He doesn’t have any idea of what good service is.”

Many of us pride ourselves in thinking that we live lives of service to God.  But what does God think of our service? What if God has a higher standard than we do? What if God doesn’t excuse the times when we slack off or perform bad service? 

The truth is that God demands of us perfect service to Him and He does not tolerate any slacking or wrong on our part. You and I often put ourselves before God and don’t serve Him first. God cannot allow into heaven anyone who does not serve Him perfectly. Based on the record of our service, our eternal outlook doesn’t look good.

But there is hope for us! There is salvation and it comes from God.

God sent someone to serve us! Jesus said of Himself, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:28)

Jesus gave his life to serve you by forgiving all of your slacking, all of your bad service, in fact, all of your sins! Jesus was the perfect servant. God the Father accepted His Son’s service and now all who believe in Jesus are righteous before God.

You are forgiven! Through faith in Jesus you can serve God. Now you can serve God knowing that He sees in you His perfect Son Jesus, and on Jesus’ account you are righteous before Him. Heaven is open to you!

“But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”
—Joshua 24:15