St. Timothy Ev. Lutheran Church COVID-19 Plans

The world, country, and state have changed rapidly. There is a lot of fear, as well as warranted concern, because of the spread of the coronavirus, which can be fatal, especially for the elderly and those with already compromised immune systems.

There also has been (and will be) “collateral damage” – unintended consequences due to the closing or shutdown of schools, businesses, services, etc., resulting in a shortage of certain items, reduction in work hours, paychecks, money, isolation, and more. This also often includes a sudden and drastic change in plans – personal and otherwise – plans we were counting on to benefit our future or the future of our loved ones.

Though often hidden, our God knows and mercifully oversees all things. We seek and find comfort in God’s Word which says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Ps. 46). Please see “God’s Promises and Guidance” for passages that will be comforting and helpful during these difficult times.

This document deals with specific plans being put in place by St. Timothy in order to allow members to continue to receive God’s mercy in Word and Sacrament, to know how we can help and love one another, and to understand the precautions we are undertaking for the protection and care of our members and community. If you have questions or suggestions, please contact us.

St. Timothy’s mission is to serve the spiritual needs of members and others, especially by means of our indispensable public Divine Service of Word and Sacrament (which has been the historic practice of the Christian church for 2,000 years). During this pandemic, we are divinely obligated to seek to maintain our worship services, along with other fellowship gatherings, to take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of our worshipers, and to respect the lawful government authorities as directed by the Word of God. Following is our COVID-19 Protocol for members and other worshipers.

Our Plan:

Please see the document below. In summary:

  1. Services for now will be held at 10:30 a.m.
    • Know the symptoms of COVID-19: 1) Coughing. 2) Fever. 3) Shortness of breath. These may not appear until 14 days after one has been exposed and contracted the virus. If you have any of these symptoms or you have had contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, out of love for your neighbor, do not enter the church and stay at home. We will make other arrangements for you to receive the Word and the Sacrament. We will also make sure you are not left alone and have what you need (medical attention, necessities, etc.).
    • We will follow very strict safety procedures, please see the document below. This includes wearing a mask in the parking lot and during the service.
    • Bible Study is scheduled to begin at 9:00 a.m starting in August
  2. We will live-stream all services online at:
  3. Sunday School and Bible Study will not be held at church for now.
  4. Sermons will be recorded and posted online on our website and to our YouTube channel.
  5. The synod has a daily devotion online and other resources online. Go to and