Christian Education

Rally Sunday highlighted the importance of Christian education in the church. Jesus said, “…teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:20a). This teaching takes place in the home, in Bible classes, at Sunday School, and in youth groups.

It is God’s will that parents bring up their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). During their early lives, children learn many things about the world that they live in. But they cannot know or find out about God by themselves. Children and adults have to be taught the truths that God has revealed in His Word.

At first, children can be taught about God through the accounts of God’s working with the Children of Israel and about Jesus’ life on earth. These historical accounts teach how God is almighty and helps those who trust in Him. The stories about Jesus show His divine power and love through His miracles and teaching. Children learn about Jesus’ greater love that required that He suffer and die for the sins of the whole world.

In Confirmation class, students learn about the main teachings in the Bible—the triune God; creation; the Fall into sin; the two natures of Jesus; His work as Prophet, Priest, and King; His death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven; prayer; and the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which give us the forgiveness of sins.

Christian education is a life-long activity. While life is always changing, we need to study God’s unchanging Word to know about God’s work of salvation and about how we are to glorify God in our lives by doing what is right and avoiding sin.

St. Timothy offers many opportunities for people of all ages to learn about the Bible and grow in our knowledge of God.