“Women of the Bible” will be the subject of next Sunday’s Bible Class at 9:00 a.m. We will be studying “Noah’s wife.”

“Noah’s wife? There is little in the Bible about her,” said one who heard the announcement. That is true. Except for the fact that she and her three daughters-in-law were on the ark, little is known about their lives.

However, it is instructive to look at the account of the Flood from the stand-point of Noah’s wife—to understand what she endured while the ark was being built, to appreciate her faith and trust in God’s promise, and to see her as a strong helper for Noah.

The class will be a study of the relevant Bible passages about the Flood, its causes, and the issues that Noah and his family had to deal with. The class will also consider how the issues and faith that Noah and his wife faced may be ours as we live in the world. For though God has promised never to send another flood to cover the earth, Jesus has promised to return on Judgment Day. Our need to be ready to meet the Lord on that day is the same as when Noah entered the ark.