We have all said it. “In the old days things were built to last.” We have said it in regard to home construction, automobiles, appliances and many other things.

Those of us over thirty years of age have begun to notice that our bodies aren’t what were in the “old days.” Weight gain, injuries, and fatigue now appear. Even the healthiest lifestyle can only do so much to slow this process.

Even the world around us is groaning. It will groan until the end.

Whom can we blame? Not God! If we go back to beginning we learn that, indeed, “things were built to last.” God created the world in six twenty-four hour days. After his creating work was complete he surveyed all that he had made and saw that it was very good! In this newly created world and universe, there was no decay or death. Nothing was designed to pass away—including human beings. We were designed to live with our Creator forever!

So what happened? Adam and Eve rebelled against God their Creator and ate from the tree. Their sin brought illness, aging, decline, and death into the world. They were to blame, and we are to blame for we have inherited Adam’s sinfulness.

Is there any hope? In Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Savior, there is hope! Believe his Word which tells us about Jesus and there is eternal hope!

Jesus came to bear our sinfulness, the very sinfulness which corrupts everything we touch and makes us deserving of eternal destruction. At the cross Jesus died for our sins to cleanse our souls! He rose again on the third day to bring eternal life to all who believe in him by his powerful Word!

On the last day Jesus will return. On that day, the heavens and the earth will be destroyed. But all who believe in him through his Word will not be! His return on the last day is the beginning of eternal perfection for all who believe! On that day he will resurrect and perfect our bodies, reuniting them with our cleansed, saved souls! We will live with our Creator and Savior forever! 

Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away!” –Mark 13:31