Post Tagged with: "Abortion"

Sharing the Joy!

For about ten years now St. Timothy Lutheran Church has been using the expression “Sharing the Joy!” together with the rising sun behind the empty cross. This symbol is an allusion to the resurrection of Christ after His crucifixion. The reason for our emphasis is that there is no greater joy than the knowledge that we have been forgiven of our sins and reconciled to God through the atoning death, life, and resurrection of Jesus.

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Why Life Observance Sundays

During the month of January we will be observing Sanctity of Life Sunday in the regular service on January 13. We will also observe the sanctity of God’s gift of life in the Bible class and bulletin articles for today and the next two Sundays.

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HHS: Why the Church Must Speak

On February 16, 2012 representatives of Roman Catholic, Lutheran (LCMS), Jewish, and other faiths testified before a house committee regarding the Federal Government requirement that employers provide free “contraceptives” to their employees.  There are compelling reasons to speak out against this federal requirement as a serious infringement upon our freedom […]

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